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Les publications sont divisées en différentes sections:
          Publications dans des journaux avec ou sans comité de lecture
          Publications dans le cadre de conférences (Proceedings papers)
          Chapitres de livre
          Rapports scientifiques et thèses
          Communications grand public
Pour une copie d'un document :

Publications dans des journaux

2014 - actuellement 

Rossi L, Neuenschwander P, Dulucq V, Péclat L, Brodard J (2021). Approche multi-infrastructures: Gestion conjointe des eaux et de l’énergie du quartier de blueFACTORY à Fribourg. Aqua & Gaz 2: 40–48.

​Bongard N, Rossi L, Pfister M (2021). Effet de l’urbanisation et du changement climatique sur la performance de la source des Pilettes en ville de Fribourg. Aqua&Gaz 1: 22–31.

Rossi L (2020). La gestion intégrée des eaux, un axe prioritaire du VSA. Exemples de réalisation. Aqua&Gaz 10 : 20-28.

Märki M, Kaufmann J, Flury M, Rossi L (2019). Weniger Mikroverunreinigungen in der Limmat dank Rückhaltebecken beim neuen Kantonsspital Baden. Umwelt Aargau 81: 47-50.

Flury R, Kung M, Rossi L. (2019). Auswirkungen von Abwasser-Einleitungen in Seen. Emissions- vs Immissions-Orientierte Beurteilung: Drei Fallbeispiele. Aqua&Gaz 9: 62-67

Rossi L (2018). Netz – ARA – Gewässer: ein integraler Ansatz: Standard für 2050? Aqua&Gaz 1: 30-34.

Bousquet C, Samora I, Manso P, Rossi L, Heller P, Schleiss AJ (2017). Assessment of hydropower potential in wastewater systems and application to Switzerland. Renewable Energy 113: 64–73.

Bousquet C, Samora I, Manso P, Schleiss A, Heller P, Rossi L (2015). Turbinage des eaux usées : quel potentiel pour la Suisse ? Aqua&Gaz 10: 54-61.


Coutu, S., Wyrsch, V., Wynn, H.K., Rossi, L., Barry, D.A., 2013. Temporal dynamics of antibiotics in wastewater treatment plant influent. Science of The Total Environment 458–460, 20–26.

Daouk, S., Copin, P.-J., Rossi, L., Chèvre, N., Pfeifer, H.-R., 2013. Dynamics and environmental risk assessment of the herbicide glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA in a small vineyard river of the Lake Geneva catchment: Dynamics and risk assessment of glyphosate and AMPA. Environ Toxicol Chem 32, 2035–2044.

Margot, J., Kienle, C., Magnet, A., Weil, M., Rossi, L., de Alencastro, L.F., Abegglen, C., Thonney, D., Chèvre, N., Schärer, M., Barry, D.A., 2013a. Treatment of micropollutants in municipal wastewater: Ozone or powdered activated carbon? Science of The Total Environment 461–462, 480–498.

Margot, J., Maillard, J., Rossi, L., Barry, D.A., Holliger, C., 2013b. Influence of treatment conditions on the oxidation of micropollutants by Trametes versicolor laccase. New Biotechnology 30, 803–813.

Rossi, L., Queloz, P., Brovelli, A., Margot, J., Barry, D.A., 2013. Enhancement of Micropollutant Degradation at the Outlet of Small Wastewater Treatment Plants. PLoS ONE 8, e58864.

Coutu, S., Rota, C., Rossi, L., Barry, D.A., 2012. Modelling city-scale facade leaching of biocide by rainfall. Water Research 46, 3525–3534.

Flück R, Campiche S, De Alencastro LF, Rossi L, Ferrari B, Santiago S, Werner I, Chèvre N (2012). Surveillance de la qualité des sédiments : état actuel des méthodes disponibles et mise en place de recommandations. Aqua&Gaz 4 : 18-22

Chèvre N, Coutu S, Margot J, Wynn HK, Bader H-P, Scheidegger R, Rossi L (2013). Substance flow analysis as a tool for the mitigation of pharmaceuticals impact in the aquatic system. Water Research 47(9):2995-3005.

Rossi L, Queloz P, Brovelli A, Margot J, Barry DA (2013). Enhancement of micropollutant degradation at the outlet of small wastewater treatment plants. PLoS ONE, vol. 8, num. 3, p. e58864, 2013.

Coutu, S, Rossi L, Barry AD, Rudaz S, Vernaz N (2013). Temporal Variability of Antibiotics Fluxes in Wastewater and Contribution from Hospitals. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53592. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053592
Rossi L, Chèvre N, Fankhauser R, Margot J, Curdy R, Babut M, Barry DA. (2013). Sediment contamination assessment in urban areas based on total suspended solids. Water Research 47(1): 339-350. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2012.10.011
Coutu S, Wyrsch V, Rossi L, Emery P, Golay F, Carneiro C (2013). Modelling Wind-driven rain on buildings in urbanized area using 3-D GIS and LiDAR datasets. Building and Environment 59:528-535. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2012.09.022
Coutu S, Del Giudice D, Rossi L, Barry DA (2012). Modeling of facade leaching in urban catchments. Water Resources Research 48, W12503. doi:10.1029/2012WR012359

Coutu S, Del Giudice D, Rossi L, Barry DA (2012). Parsimonious hydrological modeling of urban sewer and river catchments. Journal of Hydrology 464-465:477-484. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2012.07.039
Tissot G, Anglada A, Dimitriou-Christidis P, Rossi, L, Comninellis Ch (2012). Electrochemical oxidation of iohexol on BDD electrodes for wastewater treatment. Electrochemistry communications 23: 48-51. doi:10.1016/j.elecom.2012.07.006
Coutu S, Del Giudice D, Rossi L, Barry D A (2012), Parsimonious hydrological modeling of urban sewer and river catchments, Journal of Hydrology  464–465:477-484, ISSN 0022-1694, 10.1016/j.jhydrol.20.
Coutu S, Rota L, Rossi L, Barry DA. (2012). Modelling city-scale façade leaching of biocides. Water Research 46:11, 3525-3534. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2012.03.064
Coutu S, Rossi L, Barry DA, Chèvre N. (2012). Methodology to account for uncertainties and tradeoffs in pharmaceutical environmental hazard assessment. Journal of Environmental Management 98: 183-190. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2012.01.001
Rossi L, Rumley L, Ort C, Minkkinen P, Barry DA, Chèvre N. (2011) Samplinghelper: a web-based tool to assess the reliability of sampling strategies in sewers and receiving waters. Water Science and Technology 63: 2975-2982. doi:10.2166/wst.2011.177

Chèvre N, Guignard C, Rossi L, Pfeifer HR, Bader HP, Scheidegger R. (2011). Substance flow analysis as a tool for urban water management: the case of copper in Lausanne, Switzerland. Water Science and Technology 63: 1341-1348. doi:10.2166/wst.2011.132
Jeanbourquin D, Sage D, Nguyen L, Schaeli B, Kayal S, Barry DA, Rossi L. (2011). Flow measurements in sewer systems based on image analysis: automatic flow velocity algorithm. Water Science and Technology 64: 1108-1114. doi:10.2166/wst.2011.176
Brovelli A, Carranza-Diaz O, Rossi L, Barry AD (2011). Design methodology accounting for the effects of porous medium heterogeneity on hydraulic residence time and biodegradation in horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Ecological Engineering 37: 758-770. doi:10.1016/j.ecoleng.2010.04.031
Nguyen L, Schaeli B, Sage D, Kayal S, Jeanbourquin D, Barry DA, Rossi L (2009). Vision-based system for the control and measurement of wastewater flow rate in sewer systems. Water Science and Technology 60.9: 2281-2289.  doi: 10.2166/wst.2009.659

Rossi L, Chèvre N, Fankhauser R, Krejci V. (2009) Probabilistic environmental risk assessment of urban wet-weather discharges: an approach developed for Switzerland. Urban Water Journal  6:5, 355–367. doi:10.1080/15730620902934801
Rossi L, Lienert J, Larsen T A (2009). Lutte à la source pour la rétention de micropolluants dans les eaux: le concept NoMix. Techniques Sciences et Méthodes, 4 : 53-59.
Rossi L, J. Lienert, L.A. Tove, (2009). Real-life efficiency of urine source separation. Journal of Environmental Management 90:1909–1917
Rossi L (2008). Analyse du risque des rejets pluviaux urbains pour le compartiment sédimentaire des milieux récepteurs. La Houille Blanche 4 :98-104

2008 and before
Burkhardt M., Rossi L., Boller M. (2008). Diffuse release of environmental hazards by railways. Desalination 226: 106-113.
Chèvre N., Rossi L. (2007). In French: Micropollutants in surface waters, state of the art (Micropolluants dans les eaux de surface, état de la recherche). GWA 9: 679-687
Rossi L., Hari R. (2007).Screening procedure to assess the impact of urban stormwater temperature to populations of brown trout in receiving water. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management Journal (IEAM). Vol. 3: 383-392
Rossi L., Fankhauser R., Chèvre N. (2006). Water quality criteria for total suspended solids (TSS) in urban wet-weather discharges. Water Science and Technology 54(6-7): 355-62

Rossi L., Krejci V., Rauch W., Kreikenbaum S, Fankhauser R, Gujer W (2005). Stochastic modeling of total suspended solids (TSS) in urban areas during rain events. Water Research 39: 4188–4196.
Burkhardt, M., Rossi, L., Boller, M. (2005) Stoffemissionen durch Bahnanlagen und Bahnbetrieb. Der Eisenbahningenieur, 12:18-22

Rossi L., de Alencastro L. F., Kupper T., Tarradellas J. (2004). Urban stormwater contamination by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and its importance for urban water systems in Switzerland. The Science of the Total Environment 322: 179–189

Rossi L., Krejci V., Kreikenbaum S. (2004). Anforderungen an die Abwassereinleitungen; in: Projekt „STORM“ Abwassereinleitungen aus Kanalisationen bei Regenwetter. GWA 6: 431–438

Rossi L., Gujer W., Kreikenbaum S., Fankhauser R. (2004). Modélisation des matières en suspension (MES) dans les rejets urbains en temps de pluie; in: Projekt „STORM“ Abwassereinleitungen aus Kanalisationen bei Regenwetter. GWA 10: 753–761

Rossi L., Hari R. (2004). Temperaturveränderungen im Gewässer bei Regenwetter; in: Projekt „STORM“ Abwassereinleitungen aus Kanalisationen bei Regenwetter. GWA 11: 795–805

Fankhauser R., Kreikenbaum S., Rossi L., Rauch W. (2004). REBEKA II – Software zur Unterstützung der Massnahmenplanung; in: Projekt „STORM“ Abwassereinleitungen aus Kanalisationen bei Regenwetter. GWA 11: 817–822

Kreikenbaum S., Güde H., Krejci V., Rossi L. (2004). Hygienische Probleme bei Regenwetter; in: Projekt „STORM“ Abwassereinleitungen aus Kanalisationen bei Regenwetter. GWA 11: 807–815

Krejci V., Rossi L., Kreikenbaum S., Fankhauser R. (2004). Abwassereinleitungen aus Kanalisationen bei Regenwetter – Einführung in das Projekt „STORM“. GWA 6: 419–422

Krejci V., Boller M., Rossi L. (2004). Massnahmen bei der Regenwasserentsorgung; in: Projekt „STORM“ Abwassereinleitungen aus Kanalisationen bei Regenwetter. GWA 11: 823–832

Rossi L., Slowinski R., Susmaga R. (2000). Rough set approach to the evaluation of stormwater pollution. Int. J. Environment and Pollution, Vol. 12 (2/3): 232-250

Zug M, Girard R, Phan L, Rossi L, Bellefleur D (1998). COD modelling in sewer networks. Wat. Sci. Tech. Vol. 38, (10): 49-56

Proceedings papers

Rossi L, Jordan F, Ferrari B, Casado-Martinez C, Vermeirssen E, Blanc D, Santiago S, Schneider P (2018). Impact des rejets pluviaux urbains dans le milieu karstique. Journées Biennales des Géosciences et de l'Environnement Lausanne, 12-16 février 2018.
Del Giudice D, Coutu S, Rossi L, Barry DA (2012). Modelling the behaviour of façade biocides in the urban hydrological runoff. Accepted for presentation at the 9th International conference on Urban Drainage Modelling, Belgrade, September 3 - 7

Rossi L, Rumley L, Ort C, Minkkinen P, Barry DA, Chèvre N. (2010). Sampling-helper: A web-based tool to assess the reliability of sampling strategies in sewers and receiving waters. 7th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management (NOVATECH), Lyon, France, June 27 - July 1st, 2010

Jeanbourquin D, Sage D, Nguyen L, Schaeli B, Kayal S, Barry DA, Rossi L. (2010). Flow measurements in sewer systems based on image analysis: automatic flow velocity algorithm. 7th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management (NOVATECH), Lyon, France, June 27 - July 1st, 2010

Carranza-Diaz, O., A. Brovelli, L. Rossi and D. A. Barry (2009) Effect of substrate heterogeneity on flow in constructed wetlands and sand filters. Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on wetland pollutant dynamics and control (WETPOL 2009), Barcelona, Spain, September 20-24, 2009. Abstract n. P-019

Rossi L. (2007). Analyse du risque des rejets pluviaux urbains pour le compartiment sédimentaire des milieux récepteurs. Colloque d’hydrotechnique : transports solides et gestion des sédiments en milieux naturel et urbain. Publication SHF :103-110, Lyon, 28-29 novembre 2007

Rossi L., Fanhauser R., Krejci V. (2007). New guideline for urban wet-weather management in Switzerland. 6th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management (NOVATECH), Lyon, France, 3: 1525-1532

Chèvre N., Vallotton N., Rossi L. (2007). Risk assessment of urban runoff pollution in rivers: how to deal with time-varying concentrations? 6th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management (NOVATECH), Lyon, France, 3: 1367-1374

Burkhardt M. Kupper T., Hean S., Schmid P., Haag R., Rossi L., Boller M. (2007). Release of biocides from urban areas into aquatic systems. 6th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management (NOVATECH), Lyon, France, 3: 1483-1489

Fankhauser R., Rossi L., Krejci V. (2007). A stochastic software tool to assess impacts of urban drainage on receiving waters. 6th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management (NOVATECH), Lyon, France,  3: 1383-1390

Burkhardt M., Rossi L., Boller M. (2006). Diffuse release of environmental hazards by railways. 10th IWA International Specialised Conference of Diffuse Pollution and Sustainable Basin Management, 18-22 September, Istanbul, Turkey

Burkhardt M., Rossi L., Boller M. (2006). Release of various substances to the enviroment by regular railway operation. 7th World Congress on Railway Research, Montreal, Canada

Rossi L., Fankhauser R., Chèvre N. (2005). Water quality criteria for total suspended solids (TSS) in urban wet-weather discharges. 10th International Conference on Urban Drainage (ICUD),21-26-8.2005, Copenhagen, Denmark

Rossi L., Lienert J., Rauch W. (2004). At-source control of urine to prevent acute wet-weather impacts of ammonia. 5th International conference on sustainable techniques and strategies in urban water management (NOVATECH), Lyon, France, 2: 919-926

Fankhauser R., Kreikenbaum S., Krejci V., Rossi L., Rauch W. (2004). Rebeka II – A stochastic software tool for assessing impacts of urban drainage on receiving waters. 6th Int. conf. on Urban Drainage Modelling (UDM), pp 175-184, Dresden, Germany

Kreikenbaum S., Krejci V., Rauch W., Rossi L. (2002). Probabilistic Modeling as a New Planning Approach to Stormwater Management. 9th ICUD (International Conference on Urban Drainage), Portland (Oregon), USA

Rossi L., Pierre S. (2002). The urbistic approach: A new concept for handling information in urban water systems. International IWA Conference on Automation in Water Quality Monitoring (AutMoNet), Wien, Austria

Pierre S., Revaz J.-M., Dion Y., Leclerc G., Rossi L. (2001). Urbistics: An Emerging Field. 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, ISAS/SCI'01, Vol. XVI:124-126, Orlando, Florida, USA

Leclerc G., Bernard F., Dion Y., Rossi L. (2001). Conceptual Model of Urban Infrastructure Management Towards a New Working Environment. 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, ISAS/SCI'01, Vol. XVI: 127-132, Orlando, Florida, USA

Konaré D., Quintero A., Pierre S., Rossi L., Ochoa G. (2001). SIDEX: A Generic Integrated System Dedicated to the Operation of Urban Infrastructures. 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, ISAS/SCI'01, Vol. XVI: 138-142, Orlando, Florida, USA

Ochoa G., Konaré D., Leclerc G., Rossi L. (2001). Prototyping a Complaint Management Module. 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, ISAS/SCI'01, Vol. XVI: 154-159, Orlando, Florida, USA

Rossi L., Pierre S., Leclerc G. (2001). Approche urbistique pour la gestion coordonnée d'un système d'assainissement. 4ème Conférence internationale sur les nouvelles technologies en assainissement urbain (NOVATECH), Vol. 2 : 895-902, Lyon, France

Rossi L., Mottier V. (2000). Conception de systèmes informatisés pour la gestion de l’assainissement. Exemples d’application en Suisse et au Canada. 2nd International Conference on Decision Making and Civil Engineering, Vol. 1 : 41-50, Lyon, France

Rossi L, Slowinski R, Susmaga R (1999). Application of the rough set approach to evaluate stormwater pollution. 8th International Conference on Urban Storm Drainage (ICUSD), Vol. 3:1192-1200, Sydney, Australia

Zug M, Rossi L, Phan L, Magne G (1999). Transposition of the HORUS conceptual model of pollution on French, Swiss and U.K. catchments. 8th International conference on urban Storm Drainage (ICUSD), Vol. 1: 88-95, I. B. Joliffe and J.E. Ball eds, Sydney, Australia

Chapitre de livre

Chèvre et al. Eds. 2018. Micropollutants in Large Lakes. PPUR – CRC Press
Chèvre N, Niwa N, Rossi L (2010). Micropolluants dans les eaux : la santé sera-t-elle un levier suffisant pour mettre en place une gestion intégrée ? Santé et développement territorial : enjeux et opportunités. Ed. S Richoz, L-M Boulianne, J Ruegg, pp 155-166, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes (PPUR), Lausanne, Switzerland

Reports and PhDs

(jusqu'à la fin des activités EPFL)

Rossi L, Chesaux L (2013). Sources diffuses de micropolluants dans le Léman : Etude de bassins versants spécifiques et définition d’outils d’extrapolation. Rapport d’étude de l’EPFL, laboratoire de technologie écologique (ECOL), sur mandat de l’Office fédéral de l’environnement (OFEV). EPF Lausanne, 101 p + Annexes
Flück R, Campiche S, De Alencatro LF, Rossi L, Santiago S, Werner I, Chèvre N. (2012). Surveillance de la qualité des sédiments. Etat actuel des méthodes disponibles et mise en place de recommendations. Aqua & Gaz 4: 18-22

Margot J, Magnet A, Thonney D, Chèvre N, de Alencastro F, Rossi L. (2011). Traitement des micropolluants dans les eaux usées - rapport final sur les essais pilotes à la STEP de Vidy (Lausanne). Ed. Ville de Lausanne

Brenni R., Elber F., Federer W., Fischer P., Flückiger M., Krejci V., Krummenacher R., Reichmuth U., Rossi L., Suter K. (2007). Rejets pluviaux urbains dans les eaux de surface (STORM). Directive pour la planification conceptuelle de mesures de protection. Association suisse des professionnels de la protection des eaux (VSA), Zürich, Switzerland

Burkhardt M, Rossi L, Chèvre N, Boller M, Steide L, Abrecht J, Gätscher F, Kuppelwieser H (2005). Gewässerschutz an Bahnanlagen, 131 pp + Anhang. Eawag, Dübendorf, Switzerland

Krejci V, Frutiger A, Kreikenbaum S, Rossi L (2004). Gewässerbelastungen durch Abwasser aus Kanalisationen bei Regenwetter. Projekt «STORM: Abwassereinleitungen aus Kanalisationen bei Regenwetter». Eawag/Buwal, 36 pp, Dübendorf, Switzerland. French version: «Impact des rejets pluviaux urbains sur les milieux récepteurs»

Gianella S, Rossi L, Gujer W (2003). Étude de l’implémentation d’un module qualité dans le système d’information géographique „GESREAU“. Mandat de l’Etat de Vaud, Département de la sécurité et de l’environnement, Service des eaux, sols et assainissement (SESA), 155 pp + annexe

Hahn M, Rossi L (2003). Video installation in a CSO basin in Uster. Preliminary tests and application possibilities, 19 pp, Eawag, Dübendorf

Hahn M, Rossi L (2003). Benutzung der NoMix-WC’s an der Eawag, provisorische Resultate, 21 pp, Eawag, Dübendorf.
Rossi L (2001). Développement d’un système intégré d’exploitation (SIDEX) en assainissement urbain basé sur une approche urbistique. Application à la ville de Verdun (Canada). Post-doctoral report, 127 pp. Montreal Institute of Technology, Montreal, Canada

Rossi L, Davoli F, Baumgartner J, Chèvre N, Renard A (1999). Étude quantitative et qualitative des eaux de ruissellement de périmètre de l’aéroport international de Genève. Rapport EPFL non publié, confidentiel

Rossi L (1998). Qualité des eaux de ruissellement. Thèse de doctorat n°1789. École Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

Rossi L, Krayenbühl L, Froehlich J-M, Fischer Y, Khim-Heang S, Reyfer G, Vioget P (1997). Étude de la contamination induite par les eaux de ruissellement en milieu urbain. Rapp. Comm. Int. Prot. eaux Léman contre pollut., campagne 1996, pp 179-202, Lausanne, Switzerland

Boillat J-L, Consuegra D, Eicher C, Essyad K, Parriaux A, Robert D, Rossi L, Vez E, Zaki L (1997). AMIE2: Analyse et modélisation intégrée du cheminement des eaux en zones habitées. Planification multi-échelles de l’évacuation des eaux, plan d’aménagement régional des eaux (PARE), projet CERS n°2773.1, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland

Fischer Y, Froehlich J-M, Krayenbühl L, Rossi L, Boucrot S, (1997). Tests de produits alternatifs à l’urée et au dépatinol à l’aéroport international de Genève. Rapport EPFL non publié, confidentiel

Rossi L, Fischer Y, Froehlich J-M, Krayenbühl L (1997). Programme intercantonal: étude de la contamination induite par les eaux de ruissellement en milieu urbain. Département de génie rural, Institut de génie de l’environnement, 72 pp + annexes, EPFL Lausanne

Fischer Y, Boucrot S, Froehlich J-M, Krayenbühl L, Rossi L (1996). Mesure des charges polluantes liées aux substances de dégivrage dans les eaux de ruissellement, cas d’application: Aéroport Intenational de Genève (AIG). Rapport EPFL non publié, confidentiel

Boillat J-L, Consuegra D, Eicher C, Essyad K, Aubry F, Rossi L, De Coulon-Herzog S, Noël C (1994). AMIE1 Analyse et modélisation intégrée du cheminement des eaux en zones habitées. Application du concept PGEE à l’échelle du bassin versant. Projet CERS n°2176.1, EPFL, Lausanne


S. Coutu, T. Pouchon, L. Rossi and D. A. Barry. “A computational platform for integrated modelling of micropollution in the urban environment. 2nd Water Research Conference, Singapore, 29-23 February 2013.
Margot J, Maillard J, Rossi L, Barry AD, Holliger C. (2012). Determination of optimal conditions for the degradation of micropollutants by laccase from Trametes versicolor. Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology (EMB), Bologna, Italy, April 10-12

Coutu S, Del Giudice D, Rossi L, Barry DA (2011). Upscaling of a two-region façade-leaching model to the city scale. AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, December 5-9

Margot J, Magnet A, Thonney D, Chèvre N, de Alencastro C, Kienle C, Abegglen C, Barry DA, Rossi L. (2011). Elimination of micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants: Ozonation or activated carbon? Conclusions of a one-year pilot project. UAE-Swiss Research Day: Leading the Future of Energy and Sustainability, Ecole Polytechnic Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland, June 22-23

Margot J, Magnet A, Thonney D, Chèvre N, De Alencastro F, Kienle C, Abegglen C, Barry DA, Rossi L. (2011). Elimination of micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants : Ozonation or activated carbon? Conclusions of a one-year pilot project. SETAC Europe 21st Annual meeting, Milano, Italy, May 15-19

Chèvre N, Coutu S, Bader H-P, Scheidegger R, Rossi L. (2011) Substance flow analysis for micropollutants management in urban watershed. SETAC Europe 21st Annual meeting, Milano, Italy, May 15-19

Coutu S, Rota C, Barry DA, Chèvre N, Rossi L (2011). Biocides in paints in urban areas: Modelling an underestimated source of environmental contamination. SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting, Milano, Italy, May, 15-19

Rossi L, Martin Y. (2011). Micropolluants : Quels enjeux pour l’épuration, les municipalités et le milieu récepteur: appréciation des centres hospitaliers. Forum Micropolluants ARPEA / VSA, Yverdon, Switzerland, May 25-26

Brovelli A, Carranza-Díaz O, Rossi L, Barry DA (2010). Improved design and optimization of subsurface flow constructed wetlands and sand filters. Geophysical Research Abstract, European Geosciences Union conference, Austria, Vienna, May 2 - 7

Rossi L, Barry DA, Fankhauser R, Chèvre N. (2010). Probabilistic risk assessment of urban stormwater discharge. LATSIS symposium, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 17-20, 2010

Coutu S, Rossi L, Chèvre N. (2010). Multicriteria methods for assessing pharmaceuticals hazard for the environment. 20th SETAC annual Europe meeting: Science and Technology for Environmental Protection, Sevilla, Spain, June, 2010

Rossi L. (2009). Introduction à la session posters de travaux de Master réalisés à l’EPFL, à la HES-SO et à l’HEPIA dans le domaine de l’eau. Séminaire VSA :  La formation des ingénieurs et la gestion des eaux, les défis actuels et futurs. 04.11.2009, Polydôme, EPFL

Rossi L (2009). A vision-based tool for the control of hydraulic structures in sewer systems. Environmental Engineering Seminar Series, EPFL, 9,11,2009

Rossi L, Margot J, Hari RE (2009). Water temperature changes in receiving waters due to the increase of imperviousness: a multidisciplinary assessment approach. 7th Swiss Geoscience Meeting,  20-21 November 09, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Niwa N, Rossi L , Chèvre N (2009). Pollution des eaux: La santé est-elle un levier pour mettre en place une gestion intégrée à l’échelle du bassin versant? 7th Swiss Geoscience Meeting,  20-21 November 09, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Chèvre N, Guignard C, Bader H-P, Scheidegger R, Rossi (2009). Sustainable management of urban water: Substance flow analysis as a tool. 7th Swiss Geoscience Meeting,  20-21 November 09, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

Rossi L, Copin P J, Barry D A, Bader H-P, Scheidegger R, Chèvre N (2009). Micropollutants in urban watersheds : Substance flow analysis as management tool. Geophysical Research Abstract, European Geoscience Union conference, Austria, Vienna, April, 2009

Rossi L, Fankhauser R, Chèvre N (2009). A new approach to assess sediment impairment due to urban wet-weather discharges. Geophysical Research Abstract, European Geoscience Union conference, Austria, Vienna, April, 2009

Nguyen L, Sage, Schaeli B, Kayal S, Rossi L, Barry D A (2009). HydroPix: a vision-based tool for the control of hydraulic structures in sewer systems. Geophysical Research Abstract, European Geoscience Union conference, Austria, Vienna, April, 2009

Carranza-Díaz O, Brovelli A, Rossi L, Barry D A (2009). Influence of substrate heterogeneity on the hydraulic residence time and removal efficiency of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Geophysical Research Abstract, European Geoscience Union conference, Austria, Vienna, April, 2009

Rossi L, Chèvre N (2008). New Guidelines for Probabilistic Risk Assessment of wet-weather discharges in urban areas. SETAC Europe 18th Annual Meeting, Warsaw, Poland

Al-Zoubaidy M, Brovelli A, Rossi L, Barry D A, Holliger K (2008). Evaluation of the hydraulic properties of constructed wetlands using geoelectric techniques. 6th Swiss Geoscience meeting, Lugano, Switzerland, November 21-23, 2008

Brovelli A, Baechler S, Rossi L Barry D A (2008). Integrated simulation of horizontal flow constructed wetlands. Geophysical Research Abstract, European Geoscience Union conference, Austria, Vienna, April, 2008

Brovelli A, Baechler S, Rossi L, Barry DA. (2012). Coupled flow and hydro-geochemical modeling for design and optimization of horizontal flow contructed wetlands. WETPOL, Tartu University, Tardu Estonia, September 16-12

Rossi L, Brovelli A, Meyer E-L, Barry (2008). Removal of pharmaceuticals by constructed wetlands. SETAC Europe 18th Annual Meeting, Warsaw, Poland

Brovelli A., Baechler S., Rossi L., Langergraber G., Barry D.A. (2007). Coupled flow and hydro-geochemical modelling for design and optimization of horizontal flow constructed wetlands. 2nd International symposium on wetland pollutant dynamics and control (WETPOL 2007), Vol. II: 393, Tartu, Estonia

Chèvre N, Rutishauer S, Gomides Freitas L, Maniglio Y, Rossi L, Eggen R. (2006). The use of a test battery based on mode of action to monitor surface water: field studies. SETAC North America 27th Annual Meeting. 5-9 November, Montreal. Canada

Rossi L, Krejci V, Fankhauser R, Chèvre N (2005). Probabilistic risk assessment of urban wet-weather discharges. SETAC North America 26th Annual Meeting, 13-17.11.2005, Baltimore, USA

Rossi L, Chèvre N (2005). Risk assessment of contaminated river sediments linked with urban wet-weather discharges. SETAC North America 26th Annual Meeting, Baltimore, 13-17.11.2005, USA

Burkhardt M, Rossi L, Boller M (2005). Chemical Roof Protection Agent on Green Roofs - A Discrepance to the Ecological Efficiency? World Green Roof Congress, Basel, 15-16.9.2005

Burkhardt M, Kupper T, Chèvre N, Rossi L, Singer H, Alder A, Boller M (2005). Freisetzung von Biozidprodukten aus dem Materialschutz in Gewässer. Initiative AQUAPURAVision®, Luzern, Bern, Otelfingen

Kupper T, Chèvre N, Burkhardt M, Rossi L, de Alencastro F, Boller M (2005). Release of biocidal products into aquatic systems: determination and evaluation of sources, pathways and fate in urbanized areas. SETAC Symposium on environmental and social/economic aspects of the non-agriculture uses of pesticides. Homerton College, Cambridge, UK

Burkhardt M, Rossi L, Chèvre N, Gächter F, Boller M (2005). Emission durch Eisenbahnverkehr in der Schweiz sowie eine Möglichkeit zur Abschätzung der Umweltrelevanz. 10. SETAC-GLB, Basel, Switzerland

Rossi L, Krejci V, Fankhauser R, Chèvre N (2005). Projekt STORM: Probabilistische Risikobeurteilung im Zusammenhang mit Abwassereinleitungen aus der Siedlungsentwässerung bei Regenwetter. 10. SETAC-GLB Tagung, 28-30.09.2005, Basel, Switzerland

Rossi L, Chèvre N, Boller M (2004). Probabilistic model as screening tool to assess the risk of adsorbed pollutant on particles coming from wet-weather discharges. SETAC Europe 14th Annual Meeting, WEPO17/003, Prague, Czech Republic

Rossi L, De Alencastro F, Kupper T, Tarradellas J (2003). Polychlorinated biphenyls in stormwater and consequences for the environment in urban areas. SETAC Europe 13th annual meeting, WEP/91, Hamburg, Germany

Rossi L, Loizeau J-L, Wildi W (2003). Contamination and toxicity of lake sediments due to urban stormwater pollution. SETAC Europe 13th annual meeting, TUP/6, Hamburg, Germany

Rossi L (2002). Approche urbistique en assainissement urbain: application à la ville de Verdun, Canada. 20ème Forum international d’urbistique, Martigny, Switzerland

Rossi L, Mottier V, Baumgartner J (1999). Nouvelles technologies au service de la gestion de l’assainissement. Congrès INFRA’99, 22-24 novembre 99, Session A, Montreal, Canada

Communications grand public

Since 2018: regular pubication (4 times per year) in the information letter "REFLETS" (VSA/SSIGE). ​
Swiss Radio, September 13, 2011 : « Lagunage et filtre planté de roseaux: l’épuration douce ! ». Emission « Impatience »

Swiss Television TSR 1 - June 22, 2009: « L'industrie des matériaux de construction incorpore jusqu'à trois cent tonnes de substances chimiques dans les peintures ». TV report with interview

Swiss Radio, May 22, 2009. Emission « On en parle », interview about the topic « Toilettes sèches » (dry toilets)

Rossi L (2008) Impact des rejets pluviaux urbains sur les milieux récepteurs : la directive STORM. Bulletin de l’ARPEA (Association Romande pour la Protection de l’Eau et de l’Air), 236 :5-10

Rossi L. (2007). Mesures de réduction prises à la source : exemples de projets pilotes. Bulletin de l’ARPEA (Association Romande pour la Protection de l’Eau et de l’Air) :233, 21-24

Burkhardt, M., Rossi, L., Boller, M. (2007) Auch Eisenbahnverkehr setzt Stoffe frei. Eawag-Jahresbericht 2006, Dübendorf, 14-15

Burkhardt M., Kupper T.,  RossiL., Boller M., Hean S., Haag R., Kohler M., Mattrel P., Schmid P. (2006). Umweltrelevante Stoffe in Flachdachabdichtungen. TEC21, Vol. 31-32:27

Burkhardt M., Kupper T., Eugster J., Rossi L., Boller M. (2006). Biozide und Additive in Gebäudehüllen: ein Risiko für die Gewässer? Eawag Jahresbericht 2006:49

Krejci V., Kreikenbaum S, Rossi L, Fankhauser R (2003). Projekt STORM: Abwassereinleitungen bei Regenwetter. Eawag news 57d: 21-24

Krejci V, Rossi L, Kreikenbaum S, Fankhauser R (2004). Neuer Umgang mit Abwasser. Eawag Jahresbericht 2004: 7-11.

Rossi L (2000). Qualité des eaux de ruissellement en milieu urbain. Bulletin de l’ARPEA (Association Romande pour la Protection de l’Eau et de l’Air), 23: 11-15.
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